Let's have a look at the work process — from the task assignment to the completion of the website. This documentation goes into the information, design and layout decisions and explains the cooking process of the chefs.





The task was to design and build a website. The topic should be a challenge that Europe is facing at the moment. Six documentaries were provided by the public broadcaster Arte. All of them were entitled "Europe At A Crossroads" and dealt with topics such as politics, digitalization, war and agriculture. All classmates were asked to choose one of these topics and then narrow their own subject to work on.



From the very beginning it was clear that the topic of this project should address agriculture in Europe. Therefore, the next step was to brainstorm which exact problem the website would deal with. Four initial directions emerged: the first, was to report on the lives of farmers, as they suffer from the harsh conditions of agriculture, the second was organic farming, the third was to follow the production of food and see how it travelled through Europe, and the last idea was to take a closer look at the production and quality of meat alternatives.


The last topic was chosen because it is a trending topic, especially among younger generations. More and more people are opting for a meat-free or even vegan diet. However, the question always rises whether meat alternatives are really that much better. To answer this question, this project takes a closer look at beef, pork, chicken, soy, insect and in-vitro alternatives. It compares the environmental impact in Europe, as well as the nutritional value and the costs involved. All this is done using the example of a 100 g burger patty. At the end, visitors of the website should be able to make a conscious decision for themselves: which is my better burger?



The first step was to divide the collected information into sections so that they could form the different sub-pages of the website. The landing page, the production page and the costumer page were created. The landing page introduced the user with a direct question asking if he or she knew how much protein he or she needs per day. By entering the weight,

it calculates how much protein the user needs. Then the six different proteins that are compared on this page are presented. This is done with the help of cards that provide some basic information for the user on the back. At the end, the user should be able to choose whether he wants to look at the productions side or the customer side next, with a short explanation of what can be found in each area.


The production page was structured in such a way that it showed buttons with the six proteins at the top. By clicking on these, the user would jump to the respective protein. There, a path diagram would show the user how the protein they chose is produced. Under the production process of the six proteins, there would be a section on the environmental impact. On different tabs there would be a comparison of greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, soil pollution and true costs. This would be done using circles of appropriate size reflecting the different proteins.


The last of the three sub-pages is the customer page. It mainly refers to the influence of the different proteins on humans. The page was structured in such a way that there were icons with the proteins on the left and a table setting on the right. In order to compare the nutritional value and the grocery price of the proteins, the user had to drag them onto the plate. Once he had done this, a card would appear under the table with information about the protein he had placed. If another protein was dragged onto the plate, the existing card would slide to the side and make room for the other card. In this way, the user could compare up to three proteins.



In the beginning, the inspiration for the design was mainly taken from infographics with an abstract, simple style or the look of restaurant menu boards. The idea of working with photographs also came up, but this was quickly discarded. In the end, the style evolved to bold and colorful illustrations. These should be flat with a slight grain texture that gives them depth and structure. All of these should follow a specific color palette, which consists of bright and bold colors, chosen to stand out directly and appeal to a younger audience. Additionally, the colors were chosen to look appetizing. Therefore, pure black or white are never used, (since these tones are not naturally found in food).


The fonts used are Open Sans and Zilla Slab, both of them are web-safe. Open Sans is a sans serif font, with a consistent stroke width, it is well suited not only for headlines but also for continuous text because of its simplicity and good legibility. Zilla Slab is a serif typeface reminiscent of high-quality restaurant menus. It is moving, but at the same time elegant. The combination of both allow contrast and great hierarchy of the texts found in the website.



The final design of the landing page closely resembles the low-fidelity wireframe. The content has been substantially pared down and spread out more evenly throughout. To distinguish the individual sections, they now feature different background colors, selected from the color palette. Care was always taken to ensure sufficient contrast between the background and foreground. Finally, the size and positioning of the lower tiles have been altered. Rather than being placed in a single row, they are now arranged in two sets of three, which enables them to be larger and provides room for incorporating illustrations or icons in the future.


The factory page has developed significantly from its previous version. To avoid endless scrolling, the different production paths are now accessible via tiles, which can be selected one after the other. As a result, a separate page has been built for each individual path, on which it is displayed as a timeline. The presentation of the environmental factors has also changed a lot, as there was a fear that the individual registers would be too hidden in the previous version. Therefore, these are now also displayed as tiles, which can be selected individually. The reverse side then shows, as previously planned, the various influences in their proportion to each other. This new presentation makes the page shorter and cleaner. In addition, the design element of the tiles is now repeated.


The layout and function of the table page has been completely changed, although the idea behind it has remained the same. Instead of dragging the individual proteins onto a plate, the selection now resembles the website of a delivery service. The color scheme also reflects the menu boards of restaurants. This design is intended to show the user that they can now choose which proteins they want to compare and consume at the end. Between the individual data there are now also information tiles, which offer further information on the different fields (protein value, grocery cost and true cost). These are displayed by clicking on the title of the respective area.



the landing page

This is the final layout of the landing page in Framer. Only the weight input has been changed



The factory page mostly stayed the same. The changes can be seen in the color choice of the sections to make everything more consistent.



The paths were coded in such a way that they only appear when scrolling.



The design of the cards changed significantly, as the data is more legible with bar charts.



The menu has changed the most in the end to be better programmed.



At the end, an end page was added, which gives the user the opportunity to compare himself with the european average. in addition, he is once again encouraged to think naked and from now on to decide more consciously for his protein source.


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